Hojo Tokifusa (北条時房)

Tokifusa HOJO (1175 - February 25, 1240,) was a busho (Japanese military commander) at the beginning of the Kamakura period. He was the third son of Tokimasa HOJO, and Yoshitoki HOJO was his older brother. His name in childhood was Goro, and his first formal name was Tokitsura. He held the post of zuryo (provincial official in charge of administration in the capital) in Sagami Province. His posthumous Buddhist name was Shonen.

In 1189, he celebrated his genpuku (coming of age ceremony) with Yoshitsura MIURA as eboshioya (the person who places the eboshi or ceremonial hat on the head of the young man celebrating his genpuku) and took the name Tokitsura. In the same year, he fought in the Battle of Oshu. In 1199, when MINAMOTO no Yoritomo died and MINAMOTO no Yoriie was appointed the Barbarian-subduing Generalissimo, Tokifusa became his attendant. In 1202, he changed his name to Tokifusa. In 1203, Yoriie was exiled, but Tokifusa was not sent with him, and he began to play an important role in the Hojo clan.

In 1205, he fought in the Shigetada HATAKEYAMA Rebellion. In 1210, he was appointed Mandokoro betto (Government steward). In 1213, he fought in the Battle of Wada, defeating Yoshimori WADA. When MINAMOTO no Sanetomo was assassinated in 1219, he went to Kyoto and brought Mitora (FUJIWARA no Yoritsune), who later became Sekke shogun (Fourth and Fifth Kamakura shogun), back to Kamakura.

In 1221, during the Jokyu War, Tokifusa marched his forces up to Kyoto on the Tokaido route with Yasutoki HOJO. Thereafter, he stayed in Kyoto and became the first head of Rokuharatandai (Kyoto branch of Kamakura bakufu). When his older brother Yoshitoki died in 1224, he returned to Kamakura and was appointed the first Rensho (assistant to regent) to support his nephew Yasutoki. Died in 1240.
Age at death: 66
After Tokifusa's death, the post of rensho was vacant until it was filled by his nephew Shigetoki HOJO in 1247.

Dates are by old calendar
In 1189, he celebrated his genpuku and took the name Tokitsura.
(He took one Kanji from Yoshitsura MIURA's name, who had acted as the eboshioya at his genpuku ceremony.)

In 1202, he changed his imina (real name) to Tokifusa.

1203 - Joined the jishabugyo (religious administration) of the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun)

March 18, 1205 - Appointed tonomonosuke (Deputy guard of the palace)
April 10 - Transferred to the post of shikibushojo (former minor controller of the ministry of education)
June - Awarded Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) and transferred to Totoumi no kami (Provincial Governor of Totoumi) post
August 9 - Transferred to the post of Suruga no kami (Provincial Governor of Suruga)

January 14, 1210 - Transferred to the post of Musashi no kami (Provincial Governor of Musashi)
Date unknown - Appointed Mandokoro betto (Government steward)

December 12, 1217 - Transferred to the post of Sagami no kami (Provincial Governor of Sagami)

October 18, 1218 - Promoted to Jugoinojo (Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade), retained the post of Sagami no kami

June 16, 1221 - Appointed Rokuharatandai (Kyoto branch of Kamakura bakufu) minamikata.

June 19, 1224 - Resigned from post of Rokuharatandai
June 28 - Appointed bakufu rensho (assistant to regent)

January 26, 1234 - Promoted to Jushiinoge (Junior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade)
Remained in the post of Sagami no kami

January 5, 1237 - Promoted to Jushiinojo (Junior Fourth Rank, Upper Grade)
Retained the post of Sagami no kami
March 4 - Concurrently held the post of shurigonnodaibu (Master of the office of Palace Repair)

Leap month February 27, 1238 - Promoted to Shoshiinoge (Senior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade), retained the post of shurigonnodaibu

[Original Japanese]